Stunning landscapes, thrilling sightings, epic stalks ... if the challenge was there, so were the hunters of The Edge. This season, Ryan Kohler, Steve Ecklund, and the Helgie Eymundson traveled to some of the remotest regions of North American to conquer nature and push past their own limits. This episode looks back at some of the highlights from this past season, bringing you the very best from the hunters' pursuit of their ultimate goal.
Stunning landscapes, thrilling sightings, epic stalks ... if the challenge was there, so were the hunters of The Edge. This season, Ryan Kohler, Steve Ecklund, and the Helgie Eymundson traveled to some of the remotest regions of North American to conquer nature and push past their own limits. This episode looks back at some of the highlights from this past season, bringing you the very best from the hunters' pursuit of their ultimate goal.